Our Approach and Focus Areas

These key areas of focus allow us to concentrate our efforts on projects that provide long-term impact.

Product: Design and Manufacturing applications

Narrative: Story and Brand development

Process: People and Technology integration

Sneaker Program: Create and Market a Shoe

Students and faculty bring their ideas to life by designing a shoe that represents them. We explore the journey of designing products that are both aesthetically pleasing and tell great stories. Students delve into the design process, from research to product realization, learning about decision-making and product narrative. Ultimately, these shoes tell the story of your school’s community.

  • Design Process and Methodology, Storytelling in Design, Visual Communication Techniques, Marketing and Selling Products

Key Takeaways:

Develop the ability to conceptualize and execute design ideas.

Enhance visual communication skills to sell and promote products.

Build a portfolio and develop a brand / campaign story like no other.

Media School: Building a Photo Studio & Club

Transform your students into an in-house media team to cover events, create your yearbook, and capture memories in real time. Students learn photography fundamentals and craft photo shoots, developing their skills of visual storytelling and documentation from idea to execution. The course covers various photography styles and culminates in a group project to publish and showcase their work. 

  • Photography Techniques and Styles, Visual Storytelling and Documentation, Print Media and Publication, Visual Communication in Photography

Key Takeaways:

Develop technical photography skills for various applications.

Enhance storytelling abilities through visual media.

Create professional-quality visual communication materials.

AI Creative Club: Exploring AI as Creative Tool

This interactive program engages participants in using AI platforms as tools to address everyday challenges. By experimenting with AI engines like Mid Journey, ChatGPT, and NewArc, students learn to integrate AI into their learning and creative processes. Their time culminates in gamified competitions that distill the students' interaction with evolving technologies, fostering critical thinking and ideation skills. 

  • AI Tools and Platforms, Problem Solving with AI, Creative Solutions and Critical Thinking, Integration of Technology in Creative Processes

Key Takeaways:

Master the use of AI tools to enhance creative processes.

Cultivate critical thinking and ideation abilities.

Adapt to new technologies and apply them in practical contexts.

Our core teams have decades of experience in the world of manufacturing, logistics, education, product creation and people building. The truth is that building products and people requires more than just the knowledge of making. We are primed to support the operational and business development of various industries and their workforces.


The future of footwear manufacturing will be state-side and we are seeking key partners and municipalities to be at the forefront of this industry shift.

We are creating opportunities for manufacturing to thrive on a community level in the right cities - making the people the manufacturers (and owners of the economies created). With proper exposure, education, relationships, and business structuring, we can help lead the charge in new industry applications and workforce culture.

Our Intro to Footwear Industry curriculum is designed to develop the fundamental skills required to address and approach scenarios within the footwear manufacturing process from the inception of a concept to mass production at scale.

Subject matter and implementation includes design, materials, development, prototyping, supply chain, logistics, pricing, and workforce training.

Exposure. Education. Third Party Logistics. Fulfillment. Workforce Training. Business Development.

Exposure. Education. Third Party Logistics. Fulfillment. Workforce Training. Business Development.